Sok Xing & Hwang Managing Director Represents Employers of Cambodia in Negotiation Meeting on Labor Justice for All in Geneva
Based on the direction the ILO Governing Body at its 351st session, a tripartite technical meeting was convened on 17 – 21 February 2025 at the offices of the ILO in Geneva, to discuss the critical subject of access to labor justice for all: prevention and resolution of labor disputes. The meeting discussed the background report of the ILO, prepared on the basis of the ILO Governing Body’s direction, and negotiated on the outcome document on what strategies and measures, whether normative actions or non-normative actions, to be taken to ensure and promote the access to labor justice for all.
Sok Xing & Hwang Managing Director, Mr. Sok Lor, in his capacity as VP of Cambodian Federation of Employers and Business Association, participated as a member of 13-member employer team to contribute his views and experience on access to labor justice in Cambodia and as a working party to negotiate the outcome document of the technical meeting. Other employer members were from different countries, including USA, Canada, Australia, Belgium, Germany, Cyprus, South Africa, Lesotho, Burkina Faso, Sri Lanka, Ecuador, and Peru.
The meeting discussed three main items/questions:
- the state of affairs, challenges and opportunities of access to labor justice;
- lessons learned regarding what have been effective and ineffective for prevention and resolution of labor disputes, and
- What can governments and social partners do to strengthen labor dispute prevention and resolution systems? What normative and/or non-normative action can the ILO take to support constituents in providing access to labor justice for all, taking into account the elements identified in the background report, but not limited thereto, to provide clear and integrated policy guidance?
The meeting documents are available on the website of the International Labour Organization at this link: A product of the tripartite negotiation that was carried out over the course of five days, the outcome document focused on a diversity of principles and practical measures to advance access to labor justice for all. The outcome document will be reported to the Governing Body of the ILO and forwarded to the International Labor Office and national governments to take action.