Sok Lor荣幸当选柬埔寨雇主和商业协会联盟执行董事会成员

世光同尘律师事务所执行董事Sok Lor荣幸当选柬埔寨雇主和商业协会联盟(CAMFEBA)执行董事会成员。 阅读英文全文:

Mr. Sok Lor has joined private sector leaders in Cambodia, including Mr. Van Souieng, Ms. Sandra D’Amico, Mr. Bretton Sciaroni, and several other business leaders on the Executive Board of Cambodian Federation of Employers and Business Associations (CAMFEBA), where he will serve as its Secretary General. Recognized as the peak professional association of employers and businesses in Cambodia, CAMFEBA is the national, regional, and international level representative for over 2,000 employers, including business associations, more than 250 individual companies, and over 20 non-profit organizations.

Mr. Sok Lor won election for a two-year term to the Executive Board on 31 March 2016 and will offer strategic guidance to the organization and its members in furthering their interests through the provision of support and assistance on strategies relating to legal and regulatory affairs, industrial relations, and private sector development.