Ministry of Interior Issues the Notification on Fulfillment of Obligations as Determined by Law on Associations and Non-Governmental Organizations

On 11 January 2024, the Ministry of Interior (the “MOI”), issued Notification No. 122 on Fulfillment of Obligations as Determined by the Law on Associations and Non-Governmental Organizations (the “LANGO”). Specifically, through the Notification, MOI reminds once again domestic associations and non-governmental organizations to fulfill their obligations as below.

1. Domestic associations and non-governmental organizations shall notify the Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of Economy and Finance in writing of the information on all bank accounts to be opened for their operations at a bank in the Kingdom of Cambodia within 30 (thirty) days at the latest from the date of their respective registration. The domestic associations and non-governmental organizations that have so far failed to submit their notification shall submit the notification to the Ministry of Interior before the end of February 2024 on a compulsory basis.

2. Domestic associations and non-governmental organizations shall notify the Ministry of Interior in writing in case of any amendment to the statute or change of registered office address, or change of position of Chairperson or executive director or changes of its bank account information within 15 (fifteen) days at the latest from the date of the change by attaching documents concerning the change.

3. Domestic non-governmental organizations shall submit a copy of the annual activity report and annual financial statement to the Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of Economy and Finance. In the case of receipt of financial support from donors, the domestic non-governmental organizations shall submit the aforementioned reports by making the copy from the original report they submit to the donors within 30 (thirty) days from the date sent to donors, along with 01 (one) copy of the project documents and funding agreements with the donors within 30 (thirty) days from the date the donors agree to. The reports shall be kept at head offices for at least 05 (five) years. The domestic non-governmental organizations that have failed to submit reports in previous years as well as the activities reports and financial statements for the year 2023 shall submit them to the Ministry of Interior before the end of February 2024 on a compulsory basis.

4. Domestic associations and non-governmental organizations shall not carry out any activities that are contrary to the statutes filed at the Ministry of Interior, laws and regulations in force.

The Notification further emphasizes that if any domestic associations and non-governmental organizations does not comply with this notification, the MOI will take measures under the provisions of the LANGO in force.

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